Ready to use prioritized Strategic Intelligence Assessment requirements, to:

Warrant that your team develops enterprise data management strategies and implements tools to provide visualization, reporting and business intelligence relevant data for analysis, process management, operations, and budgeting. .


    • Do you have explicit strategies for data and information management?
    • Do you have the data and information needed to achieve your strategic objectives?
    • What tools do you need to make data a strategic focus and set your organization up for success?
    • Who is rewarded for using customer data in business decisions?
    • What information management technologies do you have in place?
    • How much data and customer intelligence do you have access to?
    • How much much data and customer intelligence do you have access to?
    • What types of data will continue to be used once the system is deployed?
    • Will the companies absorptive capacity be modified by the use of new information management tools?

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