Facilities Energy Management: Has any client-supplied project information been identified and received?

Very flexible and open-minded, calling on an extensive and transferable skill-set, including excellent relationship development skills to adapt to any situation, careful front-end planning and project management, with the designation of point people for specific portions of the project, accordingly. Specific Maintenance Supporting the implementation of the programs and projects Read more…

Facilities Energy Management: How many reasons do you need to reduce energy consumption?

Many organizations are struggling to do more with less and turning to power management to reduce operating costs, seasonal changes and work schedules influence load profiles for commercial and industrial facilities. As well as, embedded devices integrate different sensors with connectivity, computing resources, and reduced cost. Same Management Management plans Read more…

facility condition assessment: Do you provide a mechanism for creating and assigning critical metrics to facility assets in support of condition assessment modeling?

The results have shown that facility deficiencies are unique and always a function of location and type of the facility, facilities operations and maintenance encompasses a broad spectrum of services, competencies, processes, and tools required to assure the built environment will perform the functions for which a facility was designed Read more…