Enterprise Architecture 1 big thing: Make sure your staff is involved in network infrastructure, security, data or application development.

531 words, 2.0 minutes read. By Gerard Blokdyk Enterprise Architecture 1 big thing: Make sure your staff is involved in network infrastructure, security, data or application development. The big picture: Ensure you can suggest the benefits of your complementary skills like technical marketing, public speaking, being multilingual, production-grade code development, Read more…

Enterprise Architecture 1 big thing: Guarantee your company is learning Management System.

510 words, 1.9 minutes read. By Gerard Blokdyk Enterprise Architecture 1 big thing: Guarantee your company is learning Management System. The big picture: Ensure you provide a number of Business/IT Consulting Services including: Business Strategy, IT Strategy and Roadmap Development, Process Re-Engineering and Transformation, Enterprise Architecture and Technology Selection, and Read more…

Enterprise Architecture 1 big thing: Set enterprise architecture policies and standards to allow uniform, practical, and efficient product development.

611 words, 2.3 minutes read. By Gerard Blokdyk Enterprise Architecture 1 big thing: Set enterprise architecture policies and standards to allow uniform, practical, and efficient product development. The big picture: Interface so that your personnel is leading the development of a single holistic enterprise architecture model for the organization from Read more…