Category Archives: Clients and Testimonials

On Demand online elearning: Is your country represented?

Every month we check where our students live – it is a wonderful game and we learn something new each month! (who would have known that ‘Wallis and Futuna’ is considered to be a country??!?)

This month we have students online participating in our on demand IT training courses from the following countries:


Afghanistan India Saudi Arabia
Albania Indonesia Senegal
Algernia Ireland Serbia
Argentina Islamic Republic of Iran Singapore
Armenia Israel Slovenia
Australia Italy South Africa
Austria Jamaica Spain
Bahamas Japan Sri Lanka
Bahrain Jersey Suriname
Banbados Jordan Sweden
Bangladesh Kazakhstan Switzerland
Belgium Kenya Syrian Arab Rebuplic
Bermuda Kuwait Taiwan
Bosnia And herzegovina Latvia Tanzania
Botswana Lebanon Thailand
Brazil Lithuania Thailand
Brunei Darussalam Luxembourg Timor-Leste
Bulgaria Macao Trinidad and Tobago
Cambodia Macodonia Turkey
Cameroon Malawi Turkmenistan
Canada Malaysia Uganda
Cayman Islands Maldives UK
Chile Malta United Arab Emirates
China Mayotte Uruguay
Colombia Mexico USA
Congo Morocco Venezuela
Costa Rica Myanmar Venezuela
Cote D’Ivoire Namibia Vietnam
Croatia Netherlands Wallis and Futuna
Cuba New Zealand Yemen
Czech Republic Nicaragua Zimbabwe
Denmark Nigeria
Dominical Republic Norway
Ecuador Oman
Egypt Pakistan
El Salvador Palau
Estonia Palestinian Territory, Occupied
Ethiopia Panama
Fiji Paraguay
Finland Peru
France Philippines
Georgia Poland
Germany Portugal
Ghana Puerto Rico
Gibraltar Qatar
Greece Republic of Korea
Honduras Romania
Hong Kong Russian federation
Hungary Saint Lucia
Iceland Zambia

Is your country represented in our on demand online IT training system?

We would love to have students in as many countries as possible, because it helps us achieve our BHAG to become the educator of choice for at least 25% of employers of career driven IT Professionals worldwide.


How to pass your ITIL Expert Certification

I decided to work my way towards the ITIL expert certification in July 2010 to advance my ITIL knowledge and further my career. I had previously used the foundation course from The Art of Service and due to the excellent materials, they were my first choice as a training

My initial plan was to take the Lifecycle pathway with my first purchase being the Service Transition course, I found this to be too theory based and voiced my concerns to Claire who suggested I try the Capability pathway instead as it was more practical. The course was promptly changed to Release, Control and Validation at no extra cost and after a quick review of the content I realised it was just what I was looking for. My study approach was to read the accompanying ebook, go through the online course, re-read the ebook, do the course again then take the sample exams. A month after purchasing the course I was ready to take the exam, the intermediate exams are some of the hardest I have taken but fortunately I passed with a good score. The course certificate received from the Art of Service has a voucher code for a 10% discount on the other intermediate courses which is a very nice touch.

Next up was the Planning, Protection and Optimisation, followed by Operational Support and Analysis, Service Offerings and Agreements and finally Managing across the Lifecycle. As with the RCV they were all a challenge but I was well prepared and passed them all and after 7 months I am now an ITIL expert.

I would not and do not hesitate to recommend TAOS, the courses are detailed, easy to follow and the support offered cannot be faulted.

Thanks to Claire, Ivanka, Velia,
Farrah and the rest of the team!

Brian Wilson

ITIL v3 Intermediate and ITIL Expert Client Feedback

First of all, I would love the readers of my critique of The Art Of Service (TAOS) ITIL® V3 training to understand that my relationship started well before my training with them.  I work as a contractor in a team of 11 subject matter experts providing Lifecycle support including technical support, service desk, configuration management, change management, and requirements management with the other ITIL® areas as lesser emphasized areas of support.

I first began contact with TAOS because I wanted to advise my team of the ITL training options available.  Our team has members from two separate corporations with different training reimbursement policies.  I had to find OGC approved training that would work for our diverse requirements.  I researched every single approved trainer listed on the ITIL® Official Site.  I found one or two which provided relationships with American Accredited Educational Institutions for my teammates who still were pursuing undergraduate degrees.  They would be able to use tuition assistance.

Next, I had to find a solution for ITIL® training needs for myself and my team mates who already had undergraduate and graduate degrees and who needed to self-sponsor (read self-pay and train in their personal time).  In late 2009 and early 2010, of all of the listed trainers, only TAOS and one other trainer provided OGC approved on-line training which was self-lead.  Many offered instructor-lead web-accessed training, but only two provided self-paced, instructor-assisted, web-based training.  I contacted both.  TAOS won me over due to the absolutely amazing presales contact!  Ivanka answered dozens of emails from me and actually telephoned me in the US from her location in Brisbane, Australia.  She contacted me during times convenient for me which were absolutely not office-hours in Australia!

By June of 2009, Ivanka had provided me all of the information to know that TAOS was my ITIL® V3 training provider of choice.  I purchased the ITIL® V3 Expert Pathway with the Intermediate Capabilities courses.  I had already owned the ITIL® V3 Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continual Service Improvement publications and had read most of them before my search for approved ITIL® training providers.  I quickly progressed through the training and certifications.   From June 16th through September 1st, I successfully took all of the courses and certification exams for SO&A, RC&V, PP&O, and OS&A.  Managing Across the Lifecycle was a bit trickier, content-wise and approach-wise, so I needed an entire month to complete it.

TAOS definitely provides the most complete training, reading guidance, practice exams, quizzes, and supporting materials.  If you follow their instructions, you will succeed and become an ITIL® V3 Expert.  I highly recommend TAOS ITIL® training.

Thank you!

Joanne Boucher, PMP, CISSP

ITIL Expert Client Testimonial by Joanne Boucher

I truly am grateful that The Art of Service created these courses!  You truly offer a fantastic opportunities for professional development and advancement for those of us who must pay for our own work-related education!

Here are the key elements that made you folks the top choice in ITIL® V3 training:

1.        You have excellent PRE-SALES interaction.  Ivanka was absolutely amazing in answering all of my questions… I had dozens.  She was answering in them at o’dark-thirty in Australia.  I was amazed that I would receive emails and telephonic responses from the other side of the world during times convenient for me.  ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING PRESALES INTERACTION!

2.       Once I got started, I interacted with Claire.  She is truly amazing.  The only time that there ever was a minimal delay in her answers was when you folks experienced a 7+ earthquake.  And still, Claire responded still within your service level agreements!  Claire was usually so fast that I imagined that she was constantly awake and monitoring her email.

Overall, you folks are amazing.  You truly exemplify the Service in The Art of Service.  Please feel free to any portion of this email on your website as a promotion for your training!

Thank you!

Joanne Boucher

The Art of Service ITIL Expert path Testimonial by Robert Pietrs

Here’s my testimonial about the Expert path:

I highly recommend The Art of Service as the company to choose for online  training leading to the  ITIL® Expert certification. The Art of Service provides excellent resources for each ITIL® Intermediate course.

The resources include at-your-own-pace online classes, printable PDF books, study exercises and practice exams. The staff at The Art of Service quickly respond to email questions and provide awesome service.

Service is real at The Art of Service. I am extremely please with the results of my ITIL® Expert pathway exams; I passed each one with very good scores on the first try.

The Art of Service is the way to go!

Robert Pietrs
Sr. Network Engineer
ITIL® V3 Expert
Colorado Springs, CO USA