CalCloud Government End-User Group
November 4, 2015
Chris Cruz
Chief Deputy Director, Operations
Department of Technology
Introduction (Chris or myself)
CDFA migration of 70 apps (Hence)
Security (Dave)
Technical Architecture (Scott And Kyle)
What is CalCloud?
CalCloud is a suite of cloud services offered by the Department of Technology, which includes:
IaaS – A private cloud infrastructure service:
O/S Licenses with Security updates
O/S Licenses (customer managed patching)
Customer Provided O/S (customer managed patching)
SaaS – Vendor Hosted Subscription Services (VHSS):
Remedy on Demand
Lines of Business:
Disaster Recovery

CalCloud Strategy


Robert Schmidt
Office of Technology (OTech) Chief
California Department of Technology
Introduction of User Group
User Group was implemented to:
Align IT Tactical efforts with IT Strategy;
Ensure that the CalCloud achieves its implementation roadmap;
Recommend CalCloud requirements;
Enhance CalCloud visibility while managing implementation risk;
Communicate the organization’ s cloud strategy to government business and IT leaders.

Introduction of User Group
Members are responsible for:
Serve as change champion within their agency;
Aligning tactical IT implementation with IT strategy;
Assess business impact of moving IT services to the hybrid cloud.

New User Group Lead
Hence Phillips – CDFA
CDFA has 70 applications running on CalCloud.
Time to deploy applications
Performance standards of applications
Ease of use for customers
Lessons Learned/Tips

User Group Lead
Answer as a developer using CalCloud:
How does CalCloud help me do my job?
How does CalCloud solve my technical problem?
What do developers most appreciate about CalCloud?
What technical benefit do I receive from using CalCloud?

CDFA CalCloud Architecture
Scott MacDonald
CalCloud Chief
California Department of Technology
Kyle E Pribilski

David Langston
Branch Chief
Security Management
California Department of Technology
CalCloud Security General
Provide services that meet the operational and compliance requirements of the State.
FedRAMP where applicable
Other regulatory if/where applicable
Ensure that vendors are conforming to best security practice.
CalCloud IaaS Security Goals
Provide a service that is equally or more secure to that which can be provided with a physical, dedicated infrastructure.
Support both mission-critical and non-mission-critical systems.
Provide an infrastructure that can meet the operational and compliance requirements of the State and supported agencies.

CalCloud IaaS Security Stack
CalCloud IaaS Security Controls
CalCloud IaaS Security Key Elements
CalCloud IaaS – Security Compliance Status
CDT Authorization to Operate based on FedRAMP v2 signed in Sept 2015.
Major documents and processes in place.
System Security Plan
Security Assessment Report
POAM tracking process
Privacy Threshold and Impact Report
Annual revue process.

CalCloud IaaS Security Then and Now
CalCloud IaaS – Security Dialog – Tenant Space
Questions & Answers

For more information, visit

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