Why do we still teach ITIL after 20 years?

Yes – just saying it out loud is scary, but it has been 20 years since I received my ITIL® Foundation certificate. It has been 16 years since I started teaching the principles and concepts of the ITIL Service Management methodology.

ITIL is old news

These days you hear more and more people complain about ITIL – how it’s old and not sexy anymore…. how it’s ancient and not applicable to today’s agile ways of running IT shops and departments.

To be honest, for a long time (years actually) this question  had me stumped… why didn’t I move onto bigger and newer and flashier courses? There were many reasons for me to stop – and turn away from it. However the truth is:  I don’t want to.

I believe in the principles of the ITIL Service Management Methodology of connecting the people to the processes, products and partners. I love the fact that over the years the ITIL methodology has made IT people stop and think about their ‘why’. WHY do we create apps? Why do we manage or maintain that system? Why do we need to add double security levels on that data?

I’m not saying that without the ITIL framework these questions would never be asked… but it does mean that because of this framework the questions were not being forgotten.

It’s not about me

Also – good business practices tell you to listen to your client and to create a product or service people really want. Our clients love us for our ITIL training programs and the value for money it gives. Why deny them this opportunity by trying so hard to deliver different things and offer different courses that they really don’t want.

Listening to my clients doesn’t mean being stuck in the ’90s and doing the same thing over and over again. It means adding new angles and new ways of delivering the message.
At it’s heart though, it does mean that in the past 20 years I’ve created a business that specialises in IT Service Management training and education and that’s what we do. With love and passion.


With regards,

Ivanka Menken